3 family days in Amsterdam
3 family days in Amsterdam
A long week-end in Dorset
A long week-end in Dorset
Family ski vacation in “Les 3 Vallées”: which resort to choose?
Family ski vacation in “Les 3 Vallées”: which resort to choose?
Venice with kids: our 10 essentials
Venice with kids: our 10 essentials
Our one-week Cornwall road-trip
Our one-week Cornwall road-trip


Maman Voyage is the family travel blog I created in 2009 to share our experience travelling with kids: more than 100 family trips with our kids (alias Ticoeur et Titpuce) who are now 10 and 8 years old.


My name is Christine. I was born and raised in Paris. My father is Italian and my mother is French, from Marseille. In 2009, I created this blog to share our family trips so that more parents will feel confident travelling with kids. Originally my blog was only in French but as we moved to the UK two years ago, I started translating my articles in English. I am very sorry if sometimes my English is not clear enough! Do not hesitate to correct me :-).

On Maman Voyage you will find:

  • Our holiday destinations: as a family, we have discovered more than 100 destinations so far! The blog is already 10 years old and it’s still alive thanks to you, dear readers, who are more and more numerous to follow us every year! You can find more than 1000 articles on the blog!
  • Our World Tour: in addition to all our travels, we did a World Tour with the family in 2016.
  • Our expatriation in England: since 2018, we live in England (on the south coast) that’s why you will find more and more articles on beautiful places in the UK!

How did I get the idea to create this blog?

After a year of touring around the world for our honeymoon, we returned to Paris and Ticoeur was born. He has changed our lives, adding more love and smiles in our everyday life, but our passion for travel has not left us. On the contrary! Since 2009, we have embarked on the adventure of family travel and we learned how to travel differently, with children. In February 2012, Titpuce came to enlarge the family and since then, I tell you our adventures with two kids!

What kind of trips do we like?

While travelling, we like to vary the pleasures: the sea, the mountains, the hikes, cycling, road trips, city trips and also to discover countries far away: Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Bali, Vietnam, Oman, Malaysia, New Zealand , … Travelling in Europe is just as pleasing to us: there are so many beautiful things to discover not far from here! France offers so much diversity that it is our favorite terrain for shorter getaways; Italy is the country of my heart because it is the country of my origins so we go there at least once a year. “Papa Voyage” my husband is German so we spend every Christmas with my in-laws in Stuttgart. Finally, we love England where we have been living lately!

What do I do in real life?

You often ask me what is my job and why I can travel so much. First of all, my job has nothing to do with travelling. I worked 15 years in marketing then in finance. We travelled during my two parental leaves and we also took unpaid leave (sabbatical) to travel around the world. Before the children, I also lived and worked in the United States (in Chicago, New York, Washington DC and Richmond). Finally, between two jobs, I went to Cuzco in Peru to volunteer and help children have access to books in very remote villages. I really feel like I have had several lives!

Do I participate in blog trips?

Yes, sometimes but I receive many more proposals than I accept, especially because our travel schedule is already full! That said when a trip told on the blog was made as part of a blog trip or a press trip, it is reported as such.

Which camera do I use?

The Olympus OM-D E-M5 and he Olympus OM-D E-M10. I’m a big fan of Olympus (but I’m not sponsored!)

What is the purpose of the blog?

Share, keep track of our travels, make me happy and make you want to travel! With this blog, I hope to share with you our experiences of travelling with children, in Europe or at the other end of the World. I hope after reading our articles you will want to pack your bags with your family! Thank you for your comments which encourage me enormously and make me love this space where I share with you all our adventures!

See you soon on the blog!


Potential partnerships:  please Contact me if you would like to work with us!

voyage avec enfants

If you’re interested, you can read about the technical ingredients of the blog.